For the next month Sapphire works to reestablish something approaching normality. She's not really comfortable being as important to the world as she's become but she isn't alone, she has the support of the league. She finds an apartment, sends applications to schools, and helps. She meets with the team from Star Labs, researches infectious diseases and starts working on what she can, researches hospitals and makes plans for how to improve them and she pays attention to the news and goes to help with earthquakes, tornados, and floods. There's a particularly bad flood in Pakistan and also a series of wildfires in Russia. Batman also sends a few requests for scans, she doesn't like the cloak and dagger work but she understands it's important and she helps. That doesn't stop her from keeping meticulous records and tries to understand his plan. She keeps herself very busy and at some point she decides she needs a break. She reaches out to Atlantis about visiting. It's amazing that it's real here.
"I'm kind of surprised you took me seriously about the magic thing. A lot of people don't think it's real, or don't think I know anything about it."
"People don't believe in magic when Atlantis is real? And you did randomly show up in one of my classes. You seemed to be expecting something too and it definitely wasn't the lecture considering how bored you looked."
"It's not like anyone knows much about Atlantis, I don't really think it's existence is compelling evidence of anything. I did show up in one of your classes, but that could just as easily have been coincidence."
"...Unless whatever is interesting about you is so interesting that it couldn't have possibly been coincidence."
"I've visited Atlantis so I guess it's not as abstract for me as it is for most people."
"Oh, that is interesting. It's magical, I take it?"
How did she do that? Sid would give... at least two of his toes to visit Atlantis.
"They openly sell enchanted items and one of the people I met was going to school for sorcery. I don't quite know if the whole city is enchanted somehow but it is on the ocean floor and I don't think the pressure was as high as that would imply. It's possible that everyone there is just able to survive pressures that would kill a normal person."
"I expect so, I can survive a lot of things normal people can't. I've also been to the moon without a spacesuit."
"Sounds like a pretty useful superpower to have."
Something occurs to him. "You didn't see any wizards on the moon, did you? There are some rather persistent rumors."
"Hmm. Good to know."
He writes something down in his notebook.
"Don't suppose I could hire you to buy some of those Atlantean enchanted items for me?"
"A variety of relatively cheap stuff I can reverse-engineer. Literally anything would be useful, they've got to have a completely different style than anyone up here."
"I should probably check with some people but tentatively at least that seems like something I'd be open to."
"It's been interesting meeting you too. Do you have some way we can stay in touch or should I just expect you to show up in my experimental methods class from time to time?"
"I'm still planning on auditing the rest of the class, and I'll probably be there for most of the semester. But I'll also give you my phone number."
He tears a page out of his notebook, writes it down, and passes it to her.
She take the number. "Alright, I'll see you in class then. I have another class to get to."
After classes she looks into contacting Aqualad. She sends the watchtower a message asking for contact information.