a Sapphire on Earth-16 with an indigo power ring
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A moment later, the call goes through and her ring projects what looks like a robotic head and shoulders, wearing a flamboyant high-collared cape.

"I assume you are the new lantern Guy Gardner reported?"


She startles for a moment when the call connects but pushes through. "I'm not sure why were called lanterns but yes I use a ring like he does."


"Why have you contacted the watchtower?"


Is he a robot? "Guy said you could to put me in touch with the people coordinating the response to the recent hurricane that hit Mexico. I have several ideas for how to help but I don't want to step on any toes."


Red Tornado reviews the League's files.

"I can put you in contact with the Mexican government's liaison to the Justice League, although the League's involvement in that crisis has ended and I cannot guarantee he will be prepared for your arrival. If you want more detailed advice about this situation, I can put you in contact with Batman. I myself am not very familiar with the League's disaster response protocols."


She stares a bit more than she probably should and is a bit slow to respond. "I would appreciate that, I expect he can give me the other contact yes?" A part of her wants to ask about his appearance and his voice but he must get questions like that all the time. He's probably tired of them.


"Yes. I will contact Batman. Standby." His face winks out.


("Batman, do you have a moment?"

The League had a long night, stopping Wotan from blotting out the sun, then dealing with that mess at Cadmus. Unlike some of the others, Batman needs to sleep, and has just woken up.

"Yes. What is it."

"An hour and a half ago, Guy Gardner reported that he had encountered a young woman named Sapphire Eyestone entering Earth's atmosphere wielding an unknown type of power ring based on compassion. He has since determined she originated from an alternate reality and woke up with her power ring on the surface of the moon early this morning."


"Was any part of that unclear?"

"Why am I only finding out about this now?"

"I did not judge the matter urgent and was planning on reporting it when I was relieved."

This is... not surprising, given Red Tornado.

"What changed?"

"She contacted the watchtower and requested advice on contacting relevant authorities to assist in the response to Hurricane Alex. Since my knowledge of the League's protocols is incomplete, I contacted you."
Batman isn't yet sure what to think about this situation, but he needs information.

"Send me Gardner's report and put me through to talk to her.")


After about a minute, the connection to the watchtower resumes, and Sapphire's ring shows a man wearing a black cowl with small horn-shaped protrusions atop his head and a stylized bat emblem on his chest.

"Hello. I suspect the information I have about you has been passed through a game of telephone more than I'd like. Explain from the start, please."



That's an interesting costume. Superheroes indeed. "My name is Sapphire Eyestone. I woke up this morning on the moon with no memory of how I got from my dorm room on what I later found out was another Earth to your moon. I flew to Earth and tried to go to my university I was intercepted by Guy Gardner who told me I was probably from another reality and then I set off to see where I could help. I asked my ring to find a recent disaster I could help with and it directed me to the Hurricane. I met some people who mentioned the Justice League and I realized there's probably procedures for people with unusual abilities helping out with these things and I reached out to Guy who confirmed I'm from another Earth and then told me to reach out to the Watchtower."


That is actually a more succinct and useful report than he often gets from some of his colleagues.

"Thank you. And what kind of ring do you have, exactly?"


"I'm not exactly sure, it told me it was a power ring attuned to the indigo light of compassion. It works better when I focus on understanding people and how events probably effect them."


That's interesting. Without skipping a beat, he types out a short message to Jordan and Stewart.

"The League routinely assists with natural disasters—including Hurricane Alex—primarily to evacuate people or transport supplies. That work has already been completed, and our involvement with the relief efforts ended three days ago. I can give you names and phone numbers for our main points of contact on the hurricane, who are probably still in a decent position to give you relevant information, but it would help to know what exactly you're planning on doing. The system we use is designed for acute relief and rapid response to crises, not for... whatever you intend."


"I think I can help repair the power and water infrastructure. My ring also said we could make the flooding subside but it implied that might have dangerous side effects and it said that the flooding would go away on its own in a few days."


"I don't expect causing the waters to recede a few days early will do much good. Towns that were flooded will have extensive damage either way. Restoring water and power would certainly be helpful."

He pauses, types something, looks off to the side.

"I can introduce you to people in the Federal Electricity Commission who will be able to coordinate with you to restore power. Water utilities in Mexico are generally run by municipalities, of which there are probably several dozen without water, but I can find someone who will be able to figure out what repairs are needed and where."


Ring how long would it take to fix the water systems? Also are you including time for me to sleep in your estimates?


"Estimated time to completion: 2 days, 17 hours, based on projected Compassion range. Negative, sleep is optional."


"Thanks, those numbers would be helpful. I'm more interested in prioritization than anything. It would take about a weeks worth of work to fix everything and that's without sleeping or taking breaks... my ring tells me I don't have to sleep anymore but I don't know how safe that is."


"Prioritization for repairs to the water and power systems, or prioritization more generally?"


"I'm open to being told that those repairs aren't the highest priority. They were suggested by people I met."


"There might be more impactful things you could do, but I don't know of anyone who's in a position to know what those are, especially since no one really understands your capabilities or limitations. Restoring water and power are probably the best place to start. The people at CFE—the power utility—should have a good idea of what's most urgent, I recommend you start there."

He sends her ring a series of names, descriptions, and phone numbers.

"Gabriel Rivas is in charge of repairs to the electrical grid right now, you'll want to talk to him. I also sent you phone numbers for the offices of the governors of Nuevo Leon and Tamualipas and for the League liaison in the federal government, if you need them."


"Thank you, I'll start with Gabriel Rivas."


"Feel free to contact myself or the League if you want advice with this kind of thing in the future. And good luck."

He ends the call. And starts writing messages to a long list of people.


Ring stop flying. She takes a few breaths. Call Gabriel Rivas and be prepared to translate.


The phone rings for a while before its answered. Since her ring is connecting to the 2010 Earth phone network, she now has to deal with its delightfully poor audio quality.

"Hello, who is this, we're quite busy over here."

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