"Obviously you can do magic to stuff near me, that's - never mind, let me write this stuff down..."
1. Milliways does a time-bendy thing that doesn't rely on acting directly on people as opposed to ??? (reference frames?) and consequently bypasses wards. Evidence: observed object to pause in midair while door was closed, didn't also observe force mage.
2. Milliways exists and causes doors to lead somewhere they don't usually. Evidence: this room is too big to be the one I meant to walk into (I walked around and felt empty space where there shouldn't be), and I still as far as I know am protected from the kind of direct magic it'd take to freeze me and move me.
3. Spell resistance is more complicated than I think it is. Clarify.
4. Using abilities described in 1, Milliways could swap Cinlirina for an actor. Evidence: evidence for 1 and Griffie said so.
5. Griffie's world has different physics.
5a. which involves fundamental particles: atoms of earth, air, fire, water; goodness, evil quintessence; positive and negative energy spirits.
5b. and Griffie has a lot of goodness quintessence, which is associated with a tendency to do people favors, but not a reliable sign thereof. Evidence: Cinlirina(?) claimed to see it.
5c. and Griffie's brain is actually a complex spell with information-processing capabilities that can be affected by other spells in ways that don't seem to resemble the normal (Hari) spell interactions. Evidence: Griffie showed me a picture. Cinlirina(?) claimed to see it.
6. Milliways can (effectively?) make whatever. Evidence: my free drink. Communications from Bar. This paper.
7. My free drink is not poison. Evidence: I feel fine and Cinlirina(?) said so.
8. Milliways can do two-way magic translation. Evidence: I can understand Griffie. Evidence that Griffie's not just speaking Ilan: Griffie seems very alien and something is up here. Ask Cinlirina(?)?
9. Milliways is an alien world with alien magic. Conditional on any of this being a prank, it was done by actual aliens, OR it involved the active cooperation of the people I bought my protections from. Evidence: evidence for 1, 2, and the fact that nothing feels amiss about my stuff, and the fact that I haven't been unconscious outside my apartment since buying my assorted protections.
10. I still have all my stuff. Evidence: Griffie's spell failed. Possibly more complicated than that, clarify.
11. Griffie's spell failed. Evidence: nothing happened.
12. Enchantments exist. These are directly mind-affecting spells that could make me believe weird things. Evidence: Cinlirina(?) claims to have observed Griffie doing something to someone else's ?magical brain? that Griffie claims was benign.
13. Griffie likes doing people favors. Evidence: Griffie keeps telling me things, acted reluctant to hurt someone for money, claims to like doing people favors, claims to work for people who like doing people favors,
14. The Celestials are a faction from Griffie's world that wants to take over and make things nice for people.
15. There are other people from Griffie's world that hate immortality and have made it illegal. Evidence: Bar showed me a book. Find out if Bar forged the book. Find out if a non-forged book written by Axis about this would be likely to be accurate.
16. Griffie works for the Celestials.
17. There's a way to make complicated information-processing illusion artifacts without magic. I can buy books about it here. Evidence: saw artifacts that might not have been magic and looked different from the usual illusions, can buy books about other things here. Ask Cinlirina(?)?
She leaves a lot of empty space in which to add more when she has more to add. Griffie can take a look at this and at her questions from before if they want to.