Here is a room in a teenagerdormitory, where people of ages 14-22 sometimes move in to get some space from their parents and allow that relationship to settle into a more mature form if it seems hard for that to happen while cohabiting. Deshi Sunsetharbor, 16, who has kept her household name in spite of not living there for the time being because she does expect to go back and still heads to Sunsetharbor for dinner every offday*, is practicing for the live-captioning exam she's planning to take by skipping through a historycamera** feed and transcribing what people say in it.
* One day of every six-day weeks is a Schelling day-off, though not all professions can reasonably be off one day a week. This day is also default for anything mildly special you want to do routinely but not all the time, like cook a more labor-intensive meal or dress up a bit.
** Some public locations have video cameras pointing at them, with the area they can see marked, as a sort of continuous time-capsule-style capture. The video is public and they can double as security cameras but mostly what they capture is people coming up to them and saying/doing random things for posterity.