the war with sauron in velgarth starts several years earlier, and Green acquires some refugees
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.....Wow it's a good thing there are no Quendi present here to observe the content of these videos! Melody, however, is captivated. Advertising videos are weirdly compelling. She is possibly going to stay up ill-advisedly late on a wild and wonderful journey of clicking on related videos, eventually ending up quite far from 'hair products' specifically. 

(It's language practice and also local cultural acclimatization, right?) 


Hair fastening products! Hair braiding services! Theme dressup events! History sketch comedy!


The themed dressup clothes are AMAZING and the history sketch comedy is hysterically funny even though Melody is only half following what's going on. (Though, unlike Leareth, she's making much faster progress on understanding spoken audio than at reading.) 

She is still awake when Leareth starts yelling in his sleep and projecting TERROR and PANIC at the entire house and immediate surroundings. Which is the point at which she remembers that she absolutely forgot to give him the next sleeping pill they were going to try. She looks around and spots the package on the counter and grabs it and sprints upstairs. 


Forgiver is on the case! With licking and being on top of him and having fur!


In hindsight it's not at all surprising that, after the whole shower experience, Leareth had a nightmare about Sauron threatening to slowly drown him while he was tied down and unable to move. This is a predictable thing to happen. 

Arguably an advantage of not having taken the sleeping drugs is that Leareth wakes up quickly to being licked, and he's disoriented and panicky but not especially groggy or confused. By the time Melody makes it upstairs, he's hugging Forgiver and already in the process of trying to calm down. 


Melody sits by him and goes through her whole repetitive Mindspeech script of reminding him where he is and what's happened recently, and once he's calmer she offers him some water to take the new drug with. It's after midnight, so if this one takes a long time to wear off he's inevitably going to sleep in late and be groggy all morning, but that's fine. 

(She needs a REMINDER SYSEM. Melody hasn't generally thought of herself as someone who forgets things constantly, but in hindsight she was relying a lot on having a routine and structure around her and getting cues from that. Leareth was apparently working on a to-do list 'app', maybe she can get something like that? Or just put notes on the fridge for herself. She's sure this world has something for this use case.)

Does Leareth want her to sing to him? Or, better yet since she's not actually a very good singer, does he want her to leave the laptop nearby playing music for him until he falls asleep again? 


Asking for something that would help is too much like taking actions that affect the world to feel at all possible right now, but saying yes to Melody's question is less action-like. So, yes, that would be very nice. 


Melody retrieves the laptop, closes all her tabs of advertisement videos on the grounds that probably some of them are going to be randomly triggering for Leareth, and then manages to find his music page and restart the soothing instrumental music. 

Once it looks like Leareth is probably fine, she goes to bed. 


Leareth falls asleep again before he can summon up the will to pause the music, so it's going to keep playing all night unless the laptop runs out of charge during that period. 


The laptop runs out of charge close to dawn.


Leareth is at this point sleeping like a rock, and does not notice this at all. 


Melody sleeps in later than she usually would, thanks to staying up late, but her curtains are not actually very blackout-y and she can't manage to sleep through once the sunlight is shining directly into her window. She gets up, yawning, and very very carefully tiptoes into Leareth's room to retrieve the laptop. 

If Forgiver is awake or wakes up to this, Melody will also try to whisperedly coax her downstairs so she can do her business outside. 


Forgiver does wake up and will follow Melody outside for go time.


Oh good! And it doesn’t wake Leareth up, even better! Leareth might be upset if he wakes up and Forgiver isn’t there, but he looks very thoroughly out, so after plugging in the laptop to recharge, Melody risks filling the bowl with dog food and giving Forgiver her breakfast.




After Forgiver is done eating and Melody is done with her first cup of tea for the day, she whisper-coaxes Forgiver back upstairs to Leareth's room - leaving the door ajar in case the dog would rather wander than sit there for candlemarks until he wakes up - and then tries to turn the laptop back on and re-find her email so she can check it. 


Dree has sent her an email! It says: 12:30 therapist visit: good or bad?


Well, what time is it now? 




Melody laboriously pecks out a reply that 12:30 fine probably. Hopefully Leareth won't sleep in that late. 

She's very tempted to go watch more history sketch comedy videos, but instead she makes more tea and slogs through 45 minutes of language tutorial practice and then hunts down the streaming service and starts where she left off, a few minutes into the second episode of the therapy procedural show. 


Leareth is still so incredibly asleep. 


Second episode of the procedural has a guy come in with treatment-resistant depression. He arrives in his pajamas, on a horse. The horse has been trained to follow computer directions from a device that projects a path for it on the ground ahead; the patient apparently just has to let his brother drag him out to the stable and sit on the horse and then he will arrive at his destination. His brother is very sick of having to do this for him and would like the therapist to fix it please. The therapist takes a comically elaborate history of things that have been tried before and what was wrong with them, and then furrows her brow at her notes and says, "Did you try -" followed by a drug name, and apparently him not having tried this before is pretty ridiculous. She sends him to the pharmacist to check for contraindications and then goes to get her lunch and discovers that it is missing. Who could have stolen her lunch? The episode does not resolve this mystery; instead she orders in a burrito and another patient comes in. This one wants to complain about all of her friends. The cast of characters gets very elaborate and a diagram appears and becomes more complicated every time she says anything in the background of the shot, partially obscured by the two actors, representing the therapist's attempt to keep track. Several of the friends have inconveniently similar names.


Melody still has to pause very frequently to look up words (she's now figured out the 'go back 10 seconds and replay' feature on the controls, which helps a lot), so it takes her multiple hours to finish the episode, but it's fascinating! Including in ways that don't have that much to do with therapy per se. She's so impressed that you can train a horse to do that! Not even a Companion, just a normal horse! They must be as smart as Shin'a'in horses, which were bred partly by magic. 

The complicated diagram of friend-complaints has Melody in stitches again. She hopes her shrieks of laughter aren't going to wake Leareth upstairs. 


They don't. Leareth continues to sleep like a rock. 


Oh good. 

It's still only 11:30 when she finally finishes the episode, so she makes herself a late breakfast/early lunch, does a little bit more language tutorial, checks her email again, and then goes to the search engine page to look up the drug for treating depression. Valdemar has exactly one (1) of those available and it's not that good and she's so curious. 

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