Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Well, we've already been declared traitors, might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb, gimme a rune."
Savannah makes an ungodly noise that sounds like someone is strangling a fuzzy animal, and flops onto the window to stare at the scenery. "Traitors."
"That makes it worse. You are horrible no-good magical scoundrels. You both get prizes for being terrible people."
"Good! Because that's the point of it. You will feel shame about this. Forever and for always."
"I'm not going to feel it, I'm going to put it on its little trophy stand in a little trophy case on my desk."
"I was thinking lamination, so it's preserved for ever and always but is not obscured in its shameful, shameful glory." Beat. "Rune."
It doesn't take long for Savannah to get sick of this! "So!" she interrupts, between runes. "Bella! You never actually answered my question!"