Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"You will be my shield against repeats of Mike just by existing and taking me to dinner sometimes, isn't that lovely and efficient?"
"Hi," Angela says.
"Hello to you too."
"And, um, congratulations?"
"That seems like kind of a heavy word to break out this early, but thank you."
"Yes," says Savannah. She grins and lowers her voice. "You two both have wings when you can get away with it. So, lovebirds."
"Knew you'd see it my way." Plop, into the chair Savannah goes. "So! Now you are prime gossip material, congratulations to you both, I'm sure you've very proud."
"Yup, people don't become prime gossip material often in their lifetimes, this is a once in a lifetime thing."
"We will certainly never accomplish anything notable as adults which will warrant our becoming household names, or anything. That would be preposterous."
"I know, right? What could be more interesting than two people... Going on a date?!"
"The world needs to know! Bella, Darren, you have to get your stories out there, go run off to a publisher and get a book written about it!"