Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Yup," snickers Darren. "We're rather proud that we can manage it when we're annoyed with each other."
"And you should be. Do you want to come over to mine this afternoon for the lessons, though?"
"Good. I mean, I suppose her decreased gluiness is implied by the fact that she let us go to dinner without insisting on being a third wheel? But given how enthusiastic she is about how cute we are I wasn't sure if that meant she'd also allow the magic lessons."
"Besides, I think she's getting annoyed with magic lessons anyway, so she'll jump on the chance to not have to sit through them, bored out of her mind."
"You'd think she could just bring a book or whatever she does to occupy herself. What does she do to occupy herself when it's not shadowing us in case we need her to do something unspecified in case of danger?"
"Watching TV, playing some weird manner of sport or something, I don't keep track of the ones she's playing at any given time, hanging out with friends. Karate, too."
"So none of it terribly portable, I suppose. Incidentally, my dad's rule is that we cannot be alone in my room together with the door closed."
Oh. Oh.
He blushes beet red, and mumbles, "Okay."
"You're welcome! Oh, by the way, are we just going on dates or are we dating? Like, can I tell annoying Mikeish people that I have a boyfriend if that is the best way to shoo them?"
Then it ends, and Darren takes Bella's hand and gives it a squeeze before heading off to his next class.
And later, science!
"So Jessica asked me about - the exact words she used escape me, but she asked me about us, and I told her, so presumably everyone will have heard by lunch."