Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Well, then you are at a disadvantage in the identification of fallacies, quod erat demonstrandum." She gets out of the car and does the nearest thing possible for her to a hustle towards the shelter of the house.
"I have no idea what that means," sighs Darren. Out of the car he goes, he glances up at the sky, then at Bella, then off comes his jacket and over Bella's head it goes.
Here is the front door! Perhaps Darren has a key or knows whether to expect it to be unlocked.
"It is, it's annoying that way."
"It doesn't make sense! There are so many different ways to pronounce things and so many words are the same but mean entirely different things."
"I'm so glad you're doing well, Savannah. I'd better call my dad." Bella doffs Darren's jacket.
"Vana, I love you," says Darren, "but no. You didn't even go with the flower petal idea, how can I possibly tell you about how our date went?"
".... Shit," says Savannah, in a much softer tone. Off she goes to go deposit quarters.
Darren grins at her. "Look, Bella! I didn't devolve into a puddle of embarrassment instantly!"
"It really would be. You'd have to put me in a bucket and carry me around that way. It would get old very quickly."
"Maybe I could transfer you to other containers for variety. Water bottle. Starbucks cup. Canteen. Carefully disassembled snowglobe."