Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Yes, but think of the effect on your students! They show up at not-Hogwarts, excited to learn about magic - and who stands before them but an epic level wizard in the fancy robe with a matching hat. Besides, you can always get the type without the big sleeves. The swooshing around is a benefit, not a downside."
"I don't think I want to swoosh! There is a reason I am a jeans person and not a flowy dresses person. Maybe a calf-length sleeveless version? Would that work?"
"I could rock some neat boots, maybe. I don't know, I barely think about shoes. Do you have shoe opinions? Should I be using you for your shoe opinions?"
Darren snickers. "I have some shoe opinions. Savannah occasionally makes me shop for her, she likes the results but not the shopping and I tolerate it."
"All right, then you will have to help me with my making-an-impression-on-the-students-and-m
"More on me than anyone else! Most people could have a prayer of eventually getting the hang of them!"
Darren snickers. "I like being a peryton, too. It's very - I'm much lighter on my feet and faster in my natural form."
"I reaaaaaally want to see the prancy pictures. Or actual prancing! You could placate me with real live prancing."
"Does that mean that to get what I want I have to not kiss you for long enough that it doesn't count as having just happened?" she asks archly, turning onto his street.
"So clearly you should show me the pictures and/or actual prancing while I wait for Charlie to come get me."