Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
Darren takes longer than she does because he is not left handed, but also finishes.
"Desert, ooor...?"
"Desert, ooor...?"
"Hmmm, I don't think I have room for dessert. We could go sit in the car for a little bit and I could kiss you."
Darren giggles, blushing. He nods. "Sure. Just um - let me pay first, then - yes to that."
He pays. Off to the car they go.
He pays. Off to the car they go.
And then she kisses him!
(She doesn't wait until they are in the car, since there's a brief respite from the rain at the moment.)
(She doesn't wait until they are in the car, since there's a brief respite from the rain at the moment.)
Kiss! It's sweet and gentle; Darren's got no idea what he's doing so he will just leave it at that for now.
(Darren is not complaining about her not waiting until they're in the car!)
(Darren is not complaining about her not waiting until they're in the car!)
Bella thinks they might as well get in some experimenting/practice on "how the hell does one kiss" while they have this lovely Savannah-unoccupied dad-uninfested space to do it in.
Kissing is very fun! Darren's gotten the gist of it, too. While they're in a dad-uninhabited and Savannah-free zone - kisses!
They could probably lose track of time like this. If they weren't careful.
Nope, it totally starts raining on them. Bella ducks into the driver's seat, giggling.
"It's Forks! It would be incomplete without near-constant rain!"
She leans over the gearshift and curves her hand around the back of his head and kisses him again.
She leans over the gearshift and curves her hand around the back of his head and kisses him again.
"Yeah," agrees Darren. "So I'm not surprised, just exasperated."
He is also supportive of in-car kisses, too. Kiss!
He is also supportive of in-car kisses, too. Kiss!
Eventually, Bella consults the clock in the car.
"Getting late. I should probably drive you home and call my dad," she sighs.
"Getting late. I should probably drive you home and call my dad," she sighs.
Yeah, Darren will buckle his, too. Because safety.
Homeward they go. He'll be grinning a goofy grin all the way there.
Homeward they go. He'll be grinning a goofy grin all the way there.
"They really are!" agrees Darren. "Just wait until we're epic level wizards! That'll be awesome!"