Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
Darren snickers. "There we go, that's the answer I was looking for. I'll share Dumbledoring with you and not get snippy about it."
"I really would be! Thankfully I don't seem to be in a situation where I would get snippy."
"Yeah, that's the general idea of how dating works, or so I'm led to believe. I could be wrong. The point could be to ask out horrible people and try to test your own patience. "
"Us and our out-of-touch models of dating will probably leave us happier than the rest of our cohort! Yay!"
"Makes you wonder why people would do it any other way, really."
Here is their food! It is so sea-ish.
Here is their food! It is so sea-ish.
That is definitely a thing that their food is!
"It really does. Though maybe they look at us and think, 'Why would they do it that way? Our way is so much better!'"
"It really does. Though maybe they look at us and think, 'Why would they do it that way? Our way is so much better!'"
"Ooo, advanced ethics. How fancy! What sorts of things do you learn about in Advanced Ethics?"