Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Hmmmmm..." says Darren, closing his eyes and putting two fingers to his temple theatrically. "I so predict that... At some time in the future, you will be given chocolates."
"Predict me more things. I wish to flagrantly abuse your knowledge of the future for both personal gain and altruistic purposes."
"Eeeh. Maybe? Haven't tried to, I've been focusing on obsessively learning all of the runes I can before I specialize."
"Yeah - I figure I'll end up specializing soonish, but I still have the sneaking suspicion that there are other options for specializations available and I just honestly don't know about them yet."
"Things to - do and focus on. I know I want to try and make more medallions, but there might be a rune that lets me cure all diseases ever, and if I focus on medallions I would never know. I don't want to throw myself into one thing without full knowledge of as many options as possible."
"Oh, that's like eighty percent of why I jumped straight on 'found Hogwarts', can you say multiplier effect?"
Darren giggles. "Yeah, I can, and I know what it is, too! Why do you think I'm teaching you, aside from you being awesome and magic being awesome and there being an obvious option of combining them? I'm mostly just cautious, honestly."
"I do approve caution, I plan to be somewhat careful about what kind of students I take - although not about advertising the place."
"No, see, that was a way in which he was bad at Dumbledoring. I'm using 'Dumbledoring' to refer to his actual job description and not his extremely dubious methodology."