Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Theoretically it'd be possible. I'm not sure if that's the safest option, though. There'd be no aiming any of the random effects with just one rune. It would just - go wherever."
"It's kind of sounding like we need to be prepared for that eventuality anyway. But maybe one rune and something to aim it at a rock, two layers of protection, and then if it targets the rock we know scrolls work, if it targets something else we know exactly what it'll do no wiggle room and know that copied scrolls may partially work, and if it doesn't do anything we know it needs more than a Xerox copy of an inscription to go off."
"Hmm. Okay, I'll start trying to think of two-rune spells that are harmless, and then we can work from there. Sound good?"
Darren smiles. "And we can also be scientific about it - Xerox copy, handwritten one, one made with a stencil, and a normal set of engraved runes as a control, and see the effects of each with the same chants."
Darren snickers. "I like science. It's orderly. Who says it can't be combined with magic?"
"Nobody who has the least idea how runes work, anyway. I suppose if magic worked very differently it could be prohibitively difficult."
"That would be terrible and I would be annoyed with it but still use it anyway. Because it's magic. Unless it was like - the peryton ability, or something."
"No, but I wouldn't use something that wasn't amenable to science and amoral like the peryton ability."
"Yes, I know. Unless part of its unamenability to science involved occurring without being prompted, I suppose."
"Ugh, that would be terrible. Just - doing horrific things without permission. Worst magic ever, I would want a refund."
"Maybe the random evil magic would give you a refund! From some worthy charity's pocket, no doubt, as it is evil."
"Yes. Magic lessons till we get hungry and then we go get seafood for our date. How many of them do we have to have before the adorable shyness wears off?"
"I have absolutely no idea," laughs Darren. "It might just never go away and I'll keep being adorably shy."
Apparently she has good ears.
"I do," murmurs Bella, too softly to carry, "think I might kiss you sometime today unless you materialize strenuous objections, but not with your family around."