Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Okay, any more mushy stuff and I will fling myself out of the window. Darren! Pick a topic! Not magic!"
"Do you need to work on that? I had the impression you already found us extinct things pretty interesting."
She laughs. "Well, it wouldn't hurt if you were focusing especially on all that lost magic, huh?"
Darren snickers. "I mean, I kind of want to be able to make more medallions. But to get that far, I need to learn lots of the basics of magic. So... I kind of am focusing especially on the lost magic, but I need a general education before I can do that."
"So you're all set. As long as you've either gotten better at lying recently, or have half-truths carefully lined up."
"Second thing. I'm not going to get better at lying, Bella. Savannah gets to say the part where you're a winged lion."
"And me, I can say it. I'm a winged lion. I think it was my mom's side of the family. Let's check my dad just in case. Nope? Must be my uncheckable mom. Winged lion."
"I don't much want to be checked. It's been sounding like I could be something besides a sphinx, if Renée was a sphinx, and then I'd have to wear the necklace all the time, and it sounds like one doozy of a hassle to me."
"It's not so much of a hassle? It gets annoying sometimes, but I can fly now. I think it's worth it. But then again I am the guy who knew what was going on and made the conscious decision to embrace my critter side, so I suppose I'm biased."
"If the medallion breaks, or something," Bella says, "no, I can totally see his point. If he doesn't want to fly, and there's no guarantee he could."
"Fair point. Wasn't questioning his choice, just - eh, I like flying and magic. If I and Savannah weren't critters I would have neither."
"Yup. But I wouldn't have known that I could learn it without crittering. He's in a different situation than I was."
"There you go. He doesn't want the cosmetics or the flying or the secret handshake, all the other cool stuff he can get without."
"Not especially. If we get thoroughly checked and tested Xeroxed scrolls made he might take one or two for emergency situations."
"Aha. Makes sense. I feel like when I start making scrolls I'm just going to make absurd amounts."
"We'll get a copier and take stacks of 'em to the Avalon every other weekend and warn people not to re-xerox them because there could be errors introduced by more layers of it."
Darren snickers. "We'll have to see if copied scrolls will work. They might not, it could be like the native language thing and cause issues. If they do, though - magic is the best thing."
"Yeah. Stencils, too. Runes might require being hand-drawn, stencils could make that a whole lot faster."