Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
Darren rolls his eyes. "There you go. Again. Do you know what the word 'hoarding' has the connotation of? An item to be prized. Stop using it. She is a person, she has preferences, it is impossible to hoard her. If you've exchanged even the briefest of conversations with her you would understand that, because she has some very strong opinions and is not the meek, shy waif you're acting like she is. She would not allow herself to be 'hoarded.'"
"Yes. It is, actually! Because she is Bella Swan and she would not tolerate someone doing that. Literally none of my actions were so she would go out with me! Oh, wait, there was one - asking her out. That is it!"
"Yes, I am. No, you would not know that. But rather than trying to be certain whether what happened is what she wants or not you start trying to get me to back off. Behind her back. Frankly I'm disgusted we're even having this conversation without her present. Do you respect her as a person at all?"
Darren rolls his eyes. "I'm sure telling yourself that and soothing the pathetic excuse you call a conscience is the only way you can sleep at night. No, you are perfectly capable of not respecting her and giving her space. The two are not mutually exclusive."
"Actually, if you'd been paying attention, you'd notice that wasn't what I was doing at all. My argument was that you are not treating her with enough respect and that it is literally impossible to hoard her like she's a collectible item. Savannah and I asked her for her preferences, did what she wanted, and moved on from there. If you want to think otherwise, go ask her rather than trying to bludgeon me into submission with bad logic, then you can see exactly how she feels about the subject."
Savannah laughs with utter contempt. Come on now, twit, you can do better than that!
"I never knew you had claws!" she laughs to Darren when class is over. "Go you!"
And then he walks off to go do that.
She has her arms folded and is listening to him make more or less the same argument he made to Darren, although he has toned down the creepy language some for this rendering.
Well. Darren will jump in if she needs him, but he thinks that she can handle this just fine.
(He doesn't feel any sort of pity for Mike.)
"I suspect," she says, "that actually dealing with the content of what you just said will be a thankless task, so let's address the consequences that have you so bothered. Hi, Mike. I'm Bella. Tell me something about yourself to justify the minutes of my life you just commandeered. Perhaps you are kind to animals or passionate about raising the minimum wage or talented at origami, I'm pretty flexible."
"You wanted to get to know each other. What's there to know about you? Do you have traits?"
"...Uh, I help out part time at my dad's sporting goods store -"
"Do you have interesting traits?"
"Um, I'm - in the band elective?"
"Congratulations, Mike. You might be able to hold a non-disastrous conversation at some time with some girl who cares at all about music, if you do more than just show up and count minutes in your band elective. But I don't care. Now I have gotten to know you and I am rejecting your company on its own merits. Go away."
Mike splutters.
"Oh, please, you pathetic creature, of course I can. I'm a college-bound introvert, I do not need your friendship or the friendship of anyone who is sufficiently dull-witted to listen to anything that comes out of your mouth about me, and if you choose to escalate beyond social drama we get to play 'does that meet the legal definition of assault' and 'does Bella have any qualms about running straight to Daddy if it might'. You may leave at any time, you don't have to continue standing here letting me be rude to you, you know."
Is Bella his girlfriend? He wants Bella to be his girlfriend. He's recovered from laughter, now, just a faint smile on his face. Now he is just sort of watching, seeing just how deeply Mike is going to dig this grave of his.