Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
Blushblushblushblush. "I am not explaining them, suffice to say the things she thought we should be doing instead of me - being a dweeb and utterly failing to even get a sentence right."
"Well. I am glad you like my hair, and I am glad you like me, and we are going to be late for English if we don't move it. Or at least I am, because I am slow."
To English.
To English. "That was a polite way of asking if you wanted me to," he points out, awkwardness incarnate.
... While smiling just a little goofily at Bella. Every now and then.
Bella's going more for "smiling quietly to herself, fussing with her smooth and shiny hair".
English proceeds. They have Mr. Peters. He continues to be Mr. Peters.
They have separate classes next period, but Bella brushes the back of Darren's hand with her fingertips and smiles at him before their paths diverge.
Awww! Awww. He smiles at her, happily. He doodles, in the next class. Not hearts, he's not that far gone, but lots of stylized S's. It's rather out of character for him, he doesn't doodle in class.
"We never picked a 'sometime'," she points out, plopping down next to him.