Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Sooo. You and Bella sure were cuddling, huh? Snuggling all the way back...?"
"You should ask her out. I will coach you," offers Savannah. "Guarantee she will say yes."
"No ums! I am going to coach you, and you will ask out the cute girl! Your sister commands it!"
Coaching occurs. It is maybe one of the most traumatizing experiences of Darren's life.
Monday morning, he arrives early and looks for Bella before English class.
"Hi, Darren," she says when he wanders nearby.
Then all of the coaching is just gone and he blurts, "Your hair is smooth and shiny today!"
And then he runs.
From her spot nearby, Savannah watches. And then, her hand meets her face and she sighs. Her brother is so terrible at this.
Then (at a safe, sedate pace) she heads in the direction where he fled.
"Probably not," sighs Darren. "If I die of embarrassment, daisies at the funeral, please."
"You gave me a weird compliment on my hair and then ran away like I was a lava monster, I'm confused."
"You could better apologize by unconfusing me. Unless the problem is that you don't know why you did it either and you need to be checked for some kind of neurological issue."
"... Um. I mean - I meant to compliment you but it kind of turned out really weird so I ran because I was nervous?"
"Nervous that I'd spontaneously turn into a lava monster? In addition to having smooth and shiny hair did I also accidentally come to class with fangs in?"
Deep breath. Then, all out in a whoosh, he says, "Tryingtofindawaytoaskyouout."