Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Okay, well, will you react immediately to things I do, or wait until long after to hit me with sphinxy wrath?"
"So how will I know what's occurred because of what if it's not immediate? It could be for any number of things!"
"... Huh. All right," says Darren, yawning.
Then, because Savannah isn't looking talkative...
He is maybe leaning on Bella a little. It's rather cute.
Then, because Savannah isn't looking talkative...
He is maybe leaning on Bella a little. It's rather cute.
"Bye, Bella," says Savannah, awake on account of earlier naps.
Darren is still out. She pokes him, a few times.
Darren is still out. She pokes him, a few times.
"Daaaarreeeen," sings his sister, snapping her fingers in front of him a few times. "Wakey wakey! Unless you want to be a bum and sleep in the caaaar!"