Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"No, but I had some people that didn't react well. Lots, actually, they make a face."
"Yup. I mean, I really don't care, honestly. It's not a huge secret or anything. Dad and Darren just don't want me to get into fights, so I tend to just avoid the subject."
Savannah accepts the hug, hugging back, then laughs and says, "Thanks, dork. I'm good, get off of me."
"You have taken it almost as well as Darren had!" Savannah informs Bella. "You get a gold star. When we can get gold stars."
"No, he was like, 'Yeah, I kind of already know, I am glad you have trusted me enough to tell me up front, come here I will hug you.'"
Darren laughs. "I didn't already know, I'd suspected! It's different. But I'm not denying that there were hugs."
"I didn't spend any time wondering about it, so I did not suspect except in the general 'yep, that's a trait that exists in the population that is not visually obvious' sense."
"Ah, I tend not to notice that sort of thing. I didn't know my -" Swallow. "I didn't know my mom's 'friend' was her boyfriend till she told me straight out."
Darren notices, but doesn't comment. "To be fair, she's my twin. It's easier to see her act like herself around people than a parent do the same."
"Okay, I explained that badly. Parents do a thing where they put you first and that includes changing how they act in some subtle ways to make things better for you. Great for you, but not so great for fidelity of certain things. A sibling doesn't feel the need to do that as much. So, it's easier to notice."