Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Or maybe my hypothesis is completely wrong, I don't really have a good way to test it without doing unsafe or unethical things," shrugs Darren.
"Yes, the people are terrible. Maybe at some point we should go on a tour of various Avalons and see if we can find not-terrible people."
"Yeah. After graduation though, unless you want to spend your summer touring the country visiting Avalons instead of magic."
"Magic first. The massive amounts of scroll money will be necessary to get hotels, even if we can skip out on plane fare." Wingflap!
He snickers. "Agreed. Scroll money is great, I'm going to get as many scholarships as I can get, but it would help with going to college."
"Probably something that can be involved in social services. Also, French. Fluency will be great with magic."
"Sounds like a plan. I guess I'm looking at education and Spanish. I will pretend I want to be a Spanish teacher but it will be a clever ruse."
"I won't really," she says, "if you were being particularly gullible just now."
"It's going okay. Kind of. I mean, a lot of the books aren't helpful, but some are okay at being straightforward."
"I'm gonna see if I can find any more things about Cherufes. Have fun with your dead critters."