Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
"Hi! Um - hi. You're a faun! Oh wow, okay, I'll roll with this," says Savannah. "So, how're you liking your medallion?"
When the door has closed behind them, Bella turns to Darren and says brightly, "Let's drive that guy out of business!"
"I am so on board with this," agrees Darren cheerily. "Let's study magic for the next two decades and outdo him in every single way."
"Yeah, the ears are nice," agrees Savannah, flicking her own set of deer ears. "... Wait, why are we plotting to drive that guy out of business?"
"Because he's a jerk and plausibly also incompetent," says Bella, "and may be operating without significant local competition."
"That. That exactly," says Darren. "So we should make proper competition to wreck his possible monopoly."
Angela wrangles her medallion into allowing her human form back into place, makes sure she can hold it, and then reverts to fullform-with-thumbs.
"Thanks for the reminder. To the library, then? I guess? So you two can be huge, huge nerds?"
"You could have just let Darren actually tell you why he called instead of insisting on guessing that he was randomly making out with somebody."
Savannah notices the word choice and laughs. It wasn't just anyone she was teasing him about. "Yeah, but he was all blushy and embarrassed. It's hilarious!"
Bookstore! There it is! Goodness they can look at books now! Darren is excited.
Yaaaay books! Bella looks for what there might be in the way of a card catalog or informative computer system.
"I," declares Darren, "am going to look up dead things. If you'll excuse me."
"You and your dead things," snorts Bella. "You'd think all the live critters in the world were so many kinds of sparrow." She looks up what there is to see about magic.
There are a few books on magic, but they're hardly filled with neat outlines of runes or how-to's on magic. Most of them outline things that have been done with magic - breakthroughs and failures. And most of all - the dangers of it. Horrific mutations, crossbreeds, deformations - the list goes on.
It's not particularly helpful, but it is kind of scary.
Eventually she hunts for Darren. "How did you even find the basic 'this is a description, this is a proscription, this is how to find a rune from one you have already' 101 stuff from these prettily bound scare tactics?"