Saturday morning sees Bella with her notebooks about magic all in her knapsack, her medallion safety-pinned by its chain to her bra just in case she trips the wrong way, waiting with Charlie for pickup for the Avalon trip.
Meanwhile Angela is working on changing back, starting with her currently inconvenient hands.
With a certain someone.
Angela gets her hands back just in time to cover her mouth with them while she giggles.
"Yes, you've caught me," he manages, laughing. "That's exactly it."
(He's such a terrible liar. He can't even manage it when he's joking.)
Bella snorts. "Well, anyway, let's see what there is besides medallions and how awfully I'm going to strain my budget today."
There are other things besides medallions, including some luck charms, something that helps with night vision, a few items for protection, including a pair of earrings that apparently help stave off the cold. There's also a few little crystals that light up on command in assorted colors, and a little music box that follows its user. Every one of them is expensive.
"Is there a good way to tell which luck charms are best at being lucky?" Bella asks, scrutinizing price tags and price tags but finding no way to squint at the underlying magic.
The shopkeeper glances up from the book he's reading. "The hair-pin's the best of the lot, it's why it's the most expensive."
"You don't have any sort of try-and-buy system where I borrow one for a week and see if I like the results, do you?"
"So it's just your word for it?" asks Darren.
"Pretty much."
"How do you know the hair-pin's better, did you test it yourself before you priced it?" asks Bella.
"That's really not a good explanation," says Darren, annoyed.
"I doubt you could understand the concepts behind it."
Darren glares.
"I'm hoping to learn magic," wheedles Bella. "Even if I don't understand anything you say it will give me an idea what to do first when we go to the library."
Darren frowns. He seriously needs to learn how to make luck charms.
Bella frowns and gives up. "So who made the other ones that aren't as good?" she inquires.
Darren is staying politely out of this while plotting this man's downfall.
"When Savannah gets here let's go see the books next," Bella says to Darren.
Bwuahahaha. Plotting the man's downfall. He just needs to learn more things about magic.
Bella amuses herself by peering at the less useful magic trinkets, tail swishing, till Savannah arrives. Angela has her phone out and is playing some manner of game.
"Her mom's a faun, Angela's known most of her life but only decided for sure to get a medallion today," Bella summarizes.