Vernon rattles off the address. It's reasonably close to Charlie's house, but not within walking distance. Maybe biking distance.
"From what I know? Transfiguration, some elemental manipulation, some things with illusions; you can be invisible with them."
"Oooh, I want to be invisible. Unless it's horrifically impractical and I won't be able to use it to cover flying lessons."
"We'll focus on that one, then. It's not horrifically impractical, but if you want it to work on cameras too it's a bit trickier."
"Working on cameras is just the icing; the main point is that no one will know to point one at me if I am invisible and not sphinxing it up in locations with CCTVs."
"Yeah, I figured. But it's the kind of thing I'm going to warn you about beforehand so you don't end up on the news."
(She's also glad that he and his crush get along.)
"Why wouldn't you want to become invisible, anyway? I don't get not wanting to learn it."
"Ehh, too much work. Like, yeah, it's useful, but honestly most of the time I can just do my own thing and get whatever it is I need done through that. Plus, not willing to play at stakes that high."
"At some point someone is going to have to be more specific with me about exactly what happens if one wrecks a spell besides 'considered harmful; avoid'."
"It depends on the spell! Off of the top of my head - transfiguration spells, for example, can permanently disfigure whatever you're changing. Invisibility spells can mess up and turn part of your eyes invisible and then you are blind because light isn't directed through them. Elemental spells, you can lose control of 'em or they start taking on properties you didn't expect, like - water that suddenly is stuck at boiling temperature, and so on. So for a lot of things, we're not sure what the effects will be."