"Ah yes. My sister, the bouncer. Thank you, dear sister. No one has beat me up for my lunch money, yet."
"Depends on the kind of nerding," says Bella sagely.
"Not harder, exactly, but less space to do it in. I can pick and choose my locations a bit more easily here, without worrying about anyone bothering me or something."
"If this were Phoenix he would have a harder time finding places to be left alone while he nerds," says Bella. "At least within easy walking distance of his house."
"Yeah. There are definitely out of the way places in the city, but um - some of those are dangerous. It was Detroit, after all."
"Is Detroit as dangerous as the stereotype suggests?" wonders Bella.
"It's nice to go to a bigger city every now and then, though," says Angela. "But I like living here."
"I mean, I like the options a big city offers, but if I'm perfectly honest I never took any of 'em, sooo... I lose nothing, gain some nice peace and quiet. Maybe in a few years I'll get annoyed with a small town and want to go back to the city, though."
She has finally finished her main course. Time to eat these cookies. "Oh man, these are really good."
"Yup," says Savannah, without a trace of modesty. "When I bake, I can fucking bake."
"I want your recipe, my snickerdoodles come out kind of - I don't know, not this good. Maybe it's a cinnamon sugar ratio thing."
"Sure. You can have it, no problem. I dunno what's different unless I see your recipe, though."