"Pff, no, I can't afford that, I'm saving for college. No, Bella - we will do something far more sinister. We'll bribe them with cookies."
Speaking of cookies... Nom. Nom nom.
"Darren, what if you eat too much of the bribe material and have to come up with corrupt senators at the last minute?"
".... Shhhh. Shh," he says. "I have my sister, I can make faces at her for her to make more. Or, if we're speaking truly crazy talk - I could just bake them myself."
Savannah gasps, theatrically. "But - Darren. Darren you're our main cook, if you spend your time baking, too - you might never come out of the kitchen!"
"Right then. Oh, Savannah, did Darren tell you, the plan is convening at my place after school and helping me get rid of the triple batch of pancake batter."
"It's okay," says Angela. "I have to watch my brothers this afternoon while my father goes to the dentist anyway."
"That sucks. I mean, yeah at least they're not terrible, but I'd get annoyed if I had to babysit Darren. Any more than I already do."
"Aw," says Bella.
"Occasionally I wish I had a sibling, but I think being an only child suits me pretty well. I think I would have had to share a room," remarks Bella. "At least at Charlie's house."
"It would be weird to not have Darren just be there. We're not even inseparable or something, but him being non-existent is strange. Who would translate politically correct for me and bring me things when I don't want to get up?"
"Besides, someone has to back you up if someone decides that since you are a nerd and scrawny that your face would look better if it were shaped differently. So it's not just one way!"