"Fair enough. It's really not like math class at all, but some math is done so I guess that could get annoying."
"I don't actually hate math. It's just that it comes to me least easily of academic subjects so it has some accumulated resentment for that reason."
"They really are. I mean, I know it's important to learn history, but - just throwing dates at me doesn't make me care."
"The good history books are not the kind that make it into the public school system, unfortunately."
"They should just drop Guns, Germs, and Steel on everybody in ninth grade. It's imperfect but it's extremely readable, it'd make a good springboard."
"Yeah, I mean - I think it would be better to explain why things happened rather than - 'This person did this at this time.'"
"Exactly. People like stories, not - lots of names and dates. So if it's a story, and not just dry information dump, I think people would care more. At least a bit."
Savannah is resisting the urge to tell them to kiss. Somehow. She's not entirely sure how, but she's managing it.
Savannah rolls her eyes.
Then the bell for the end of lunch rings.
So is Bella, but she at least doesn't seem to be directly targeted! They're doing coil pots this week. She pays attention to the teacher's explanation of the importance of slipping and scoring "almost like you have a problem".