Angela sits with them but has no reason to expect a portion of cookies, so she doesn't ask.
"I feel like you have a one-track mind," he tells Savannah, as she devours her portion of cookies before lunch.
"Savannah actually made them, Darren's just carrying them around," Bella supplies.
"Oh! Thank you, Savannah," says Angela.
"I was deemed the trustworthy twin. Savannah didn't want to eat them all before lunch," he explains. "But I will carry my holder of cookies title with pride."
"You are a very good cookie vehicle," agrees Bella. "I am pretty sure you didn't even lick the cinnamon sugar off any of them."
Darren snorts. "Thanks. They're for other people, too. If I did that I could get people sick."
"Pfff- ow, cinnamon in my nooose."
"A cautionary tale," says Bella solemnly. "This is your nose on careless consumption of confectionery."
"And nerdy references, those too," agrees Savannah, recovering enough from her giggles to speak.
"If there was it would revolutionize warfare, wow. Russia and Turkey and other easily punned nations would fall overnight."
"France would fall under a hurricane of underpants puns, Spain would know true pain, and Turkey would be served at Thanksgiving dinner. Let's not unleash that terror on the world, Bella. It's not ready. It may never be ready. They can't know."
"Good." He leans in conspiratorially, and says in a stage whisper. "You know what we have to do with witnesses that know, right?"