There is Darren! He is honorary cookie-bearer. "Hello! Savannah baked and the results are delicious. Do you want cookies now, or at lunch?"
"I think I can wait till lunch, Charlie did this thing at breakfast he sometimes does where he decides the occasion calls for nice food, decides this is the time to learn to make it, and then I have to rescue everything. There was a lot to rescue."
"I woke up and came to save the day when the smoke alarm went off, but there wasn't actually anything lost because he'd spilled grease on the burner - the food was fine. Bacon, scrambled eggs, blueberry pancakes that I had to triple the batter for because he'd confused teaspoons and tablespoons."
"So I have a lot of pancake batter, which I will fry the rest of when I get home and put the extras in the freezer. Do you like pancakes? Do you want to come to my house instead today and help consume pancakes?"
"Sure! Though Savannah is keeping to her shadow promise. So if you're not fine with her coming over, then I don't think I can."
"Charlie's not gonna charge her money, but if she really pushes it for reasons he considers insufficient she might find herself less welcome on future occasions."
"Does that mean 'a little' or 'not at all, but occasionally she goes so far as to acknowledge the existence of the faces'?"
Oh well! More for them at lunch.
"Cookies," is Bella's greeting when she plops down next to Darren. Her lunch is three cold blueberry pancakes, a little container of tuna, and a salad, which she puts the tuna on top of.