"Nooooooooo! Not more embarrassing pictures being circulated in the embarrassing pictures black market!"
"Yes, now I will never let you take any pictures of me in a police hat. Ever. Prancing pictures of me are no joke."
"Then it's a really good thing you have them. Otherwise, that'd be it for you. Just - so broken up by not having pictures of me in a police hat, or prancing around."
"I would spend months in catatonia. Charlie would be furious with you for the damage to my fragile psyche."
"And then the entire possibility of me wearing a police hat would be out the window, and that would make it so much worse."
"It's a really good thing I don't have a car, then. Not even a license, actually, just a permit."
"I had a permit when I was fifteen and a half and the very day after my birthday I passed my test. Renée was - kind of terrible about errands, it was better when I could do them myself."
"Ah, that makes sense. It wasn't as necessary, for me. Just a nice thing to have, so I didn't jump on it immediately."