"... Sorry, I um..." He has absolutely no idea what to say, so he just sort of trails off.
"It's okay, I mean, now I know that I should be in, like, crash position if I am around someone severely injured, right? Good to know."
Meanwhile, in Darren's head: He is an idiot. He is such an idiot, he could have picked any word choice and he went with odd and now things are awkward.
"Hoping against that one, too. Crossing my fingers, for all the good that is going to do. I really hope I can figure out how to make luck charms, they would be so useful."
"I thought it was going to be this weekend? Soon as possible without skipping school entirely and being away from various other helpful critters, and all."
"... Okay, that one I have no idea about! Um... Morning, so we can have a longer period of time at the Avalon. Driving? Composition - you and I should both go, probably also our dads. Savannah too, maybe."
"I guess we ask her, and I see if Charlie will have the day off - do humans who go into Avalons get crap about it?"
"Not really. I mean I think they have some trouble getting in, but... Other than that, no?"
"So I, what, go to the door and hug his arm and pat him on the shoulder with a paw and say 'this is my dad he knows things'?"
"Yeah, then it'll work, no problem. It's just if he tries to go by himself it might be an issue."
"Right. We should probably take this car. Charlie's only got the cruiser, which, I don't know if you've ever ridden around in a cop car, but it gets you weird looks if you are not obviously a cop. And I cannot rock the 'stache."
He could not pull it off.
"I do not think you should try growing a mustache, but if you want to see if Charlie will drive us to Seattle in the cruiser we can ask."
"Hmmmm. Tempting. I don't think just having donuts would make me an honorary cop, though. I don't think it works like that."