"If you were I would be very surprised. You don't look like a four-hundred-plus year old dead man."
"Mhm. Bella the undead Bard. You should write that down, if I ever persuade you to play Dungeons and Dragons. That can be your first character. You can kill people with music."
"Bella. Bella, why would you even ask such a question. The answer is 'Of course.' Of course it's racist against undead, it is super racist."
"That's all I have right now, you know better what will fit neatly, I don't even know how to play."
Like magic.
"Yeah, ditto here. It won't take up all my time ever, I've got stuff to do, but it's fun."
"How much am I supposed to be inventing a revenant who has no properties in common with me versus inventing one who serves as a good - avatar for myself?"
"Well, I don't know what's most fun, I don't know what my revenant is going to be doing."
"If we had a proper group going I'd ask what everyone wanted to do and then build a campaign around that, soo... I couldn't tell you? Do you want to try and pull off a two-person D&D group?"
"I dunno, maybe if I take a closer look at the game I will wind up disappointing you and not wanting to play at all."
"Lots of numbers, lots of rolling dice, lots of - lists of things. To choose from, to write down, to look through, and so on. It got on my nerves."