"Yeah, for exactly that reason. Because collisions aren't fun. Especially when I have antlers and you have claws. That's just - asking for trouble."
"Okay, well, my antlers do not shoo on command so easily. Just when they shed. So I am potentially dangerous."
"Annually, mine usually in the winter. I've been tempted to keep a set of them, but I decided they were tacky and passed."
"Any day now! It varies a bit, though. Could be a week, could be a month, I have no idea. Definitely can't be a new set. They don't grow back that quickly, they start again in like - April and May."
"It really does. It's kind of annoying. I like them when they're there, but growing them and losing them is kind of a pain."
Bella flaps and spirals up. "This is great. I wonder how long it'll take my wings to get tired. They haven't exactly had any exercise."
"Isn't it?" agrees Darren, delighted. "If you do get tired you can just glide, too. So it helps with that."
"Usually an hour or two, I can fly for longer but I try to do it at night, so sleepiness is an inhibiting factor."
On the way down, he spots a spark of orange light, off in the distance below. "... Huh. Bella, do you see that?"
At first it's nothing but the distant sounds of a fire. The orange flame (because it must be fire, with how it flickers) encroaches closer, dangerous but still far away. Then it starts to become clear that it's spreading in a very specific direction. It's spreading very quickly in a specific direction. This is around the same time that they hear the crackling sound become closer to a roar. It's coming from bellow, quiet and harsh, distorted. But the word is still comprehensible.
"... That is - not a forest fire," hisses Darren.
"It is definitely not. What do we do?" asks Bella, nearly forgetting to fly, then recovering her focus and altitude.
It's coming closer. It doesn't look it from far away, but it is fast.
"... Run, now, it's - it's fire based, ocean - west, west, which way is west -" he says, spinning in the air as he looks.
"Sphiiiiinx." It's louder, now, insistent.
"That way," says Darren, and he points.
West they go, as fast as their wings will take them.
The - whatever it is, the monster - follows. It's closer, close enough that they can hear - bubbling, gurgling, crackling, not constant but in an a slow, building rhythm. Darren glances back and sees why. It's not walking, it doesn't seem to be able to walk. The monster's like magma, gelatinous and twisted, forming arms and then subsuming to reach forward and grasp the ground to drag itself. It's dragging itself closer, faster than it should be able, burning and twisting in its rampage.
Then it starts throwing things. Trees burned to half-charcoal, rocks that are near-liquid, and pieces of itself.
None of them are very accurate, but with what it's throwing, it only needs to hit once.
"It was saying -" (gasping for breath; her wings aren't tired yet but her lungs are beginning to complain) "sphinx. If we split up you might be able to avoid it long enough to do something, if you have a spell, or you think one of our dads could help if you," (pant, pant, flap, flap) "called?"
Flap, flap, flap - he nearly gets hit with a wayward flaming tree, but manages to dodge. He loses a bit of altitude in the process, but he doesn't die.
(Fuck, he could seriously die right now.)
"... C-could try a spell. Ocean - something elemental, shit I hope I'm remembering it all right..."