"Fine, fine. He can microwave leftovers. Because you definitely need my permission for that."
"I'm so glad to have it, too. It'd be really inconvenient for poor Charlie if he couldn't have hot leftovers without my help."
"I do that anyway. He has never burned down the house. He did scorch a dishtowel once, but that was a long time ago."
Her soup is gone now; her rice nearly so.
Bella delays a moment in case there is some expectation about interacting with her dishes.
Darren takes care of it. This means Bella no longer gets fluffy wing draping. Her dishes are retrieved, rinsed, and into the dishwasher they go.
Awww, no more wingdraping. She follows him outside, delaying in producing her wings (or any other critter parts) till he indicates it's safe.
"This place seems good," he says, once they reach a nice quiet spot with a hill.
He is then a peryton!
"Okay. Where do I start?"
"Gliding's the best place to start - I'm assuming you've done some kind of practice with your wings to understand how to move them?"
"Yeah, I can move them around, I can even flap 'em if I move the coffee table to make room and put down plenty of paperweights."
It doesn't take very long to find a hill - finding a hill without a lot of trees on it is more of a problem. They first place they find that is probably suitable is by a stream, so while there aren't any trees - mud's probably going to be in abundance.
"I have not experimented with - what happens if I get mud in my fur, and then cease to have fur, then resume having fur?"
"And it will also still be there the next time I have fur? ...I might need instructions on how to take a bath while a winged furry quadruped."
"Yeah, it will be. Dad usually hoses us down if it's a problem, sooo... I try not to get covered in mud. I think in Avalons they have like - big bath-tubs for going fullform in so you can have a bath. But we don't have one of those here."