"Somebody should tell Charlie that it's following simple directions. He is incapable of cooking anything other than fish without it being a complete disaster, and he only suffered through learning to do fish because otherwise the freezer would get full and he wouldn't be able to catch more."
"Dad's method is making sure that if we're left alone for a day we can successfully not kill ourselves."
"When I'm not around Charlie lives on fish and cold cuts and takeout. I'm not fancy, but I can do relatively ordinary food without apocalyptic results."
"I'm not even sure how you could get apocalyptic results. I mean, at worse it's inedible and you just move on. But apocalyptic? What, does it explode?"
"Well, he likes 'em hardboiled, but microwaves are faster, right? And he was in a hurry, so it just made sense, right? Cue exploded egg."
"... Right, okay, your dad is not allowed in the kitchen. Like, he can't even walk in for milk."
"I don't expect him to complain. He doesn't exactly like to cook. Even when we're having fish I do it better."
"Then it'll work out for everyone. He doesn't need to cook, and he does not touch the kitchen."
"But it is, in fact, pretty safe to let him get milk or make sandwiches. It's when applying heat to things gets involved that it's iffy."
"I let my dad in the kitchen at my house, and I too make dinner most nights. Am I not allowed?"
"... Hmm. You're allowed. But I recommend keeping him away from the microwave, and eggs."
(She kind of likes the wing right where it is, so she's not drawing attention to it.)