Darren winces and - out come his wings. One gets comfortingly draped over Bella's shoulder - like a fluffy, feathery cloak.
Bella relaxes a little, she sighs. "Sorry, wow, I'd been spontaneously mood-killing so much less these past couple days..."
"Happens. There are ups and downs to it," says Vernon, understandingly. "Don't feel bad about it."
"None of us are going to ride your a-... Bum because you're occasionally a mood killer. Darren's full-time stick in the mud and we love him."
"I'm not feeling guilty for making you guys sad, I'm annoyed with myself because I was working on it and I'm not done instantaneously," says Bella.
It's said in a 'You don't have to if you don't want to' kind of way. (But he does mean it.)
"My dad also has a license. He is a cop and would never be caught parenting without a license."
"Authentic Chinese food is absolutely nothing like this on any axis, including edibility," says Bella conversationally. "It's all fish with a million bones and unrecognizable vegetables."
"I said including edibility. I didn't want to try authentic Chinese food a second time after I'd had it once. My remark was complimentary."