She sits next to Darren in English.
"That's all I have right now, you know better what will fit neatly, I don't even know how to play."
Like magic.
"Yeah, ditto here. It won't take up all my time ever, I've got stuff to do, but it's fun."
"How much am I supposed to be inventing a revenant who has no properties in common with me versus inventing one who serves as a good - avatar for myself?"
"Well, I don't know what's most fun, I don't know what my revenant is going to be doing."
"If we had a proper group going I'd ask what everyone wanted to do and then build a campaign around that, soo... I couldn't tell you? Do you want to try and pull off a two-person D&D group?"
"I dunno, maybe if I take a closer look at the game I will wind up disappointing you and not wanting to play at all."
"Lots of numbers, lots of rolling dice, lots of - lists of things. To choose from, to write down, to look through, and so on. It got on my nerves."
"Fair enough. It's really not like math class at all, but some math is done so I guess that could get annoying."
"I don't actually hate math. It's just that it comes to me least easily of academic subjects so it has some accumulated resentment for that reason."