The Void is boring in some respects - enormous, and time passes strangely, and once your eyes adjust to the strange paths woven from nebulae through that thick darkness it's almost even monotonous. 

Mygwainor can hear more, though. Has heard snatches from the soft thrum of the song between worlds often enough, between the ending of one repetition of Ea's history and the beginning of the next. She's having fun pointing things out to Luthien - and having fun simply walking along with her wife. 

(She's not in a timeloop. Not bound by the strangling chords of destiny. Eru seems to have been unfortunately already long dead when she escaped, but, well. Her freedom is enough to make her mood soar into an excited, ecstatic joy.)

There's differences in the patchwork of song in the Void, too. Areas with more intensity. Pathways, like the ones they're walking, and hints of where those lead.

Mygwainor hasn't always started the next loop as quickly as she could. She's listened, sometimes, and she's very sure there's some interesting things along these paths - she's glimpsed at least one nexus in the long millennia, where countless paths cross ever so briefly, and she thinks...

There's crossroads in the void. Transitions. Liminal spaces. Mygwainor has sung worlds into being, and at one particularly large crossroad with an almost familiar tangle of song knotted around it, she takes her wife's hand with an excited flutter in her chest - 

And she sings a door into being.