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The last princess of Jaleyl wakes up.
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Savul lets out a deep sigh, "Of course neither of us has any idea what the Obsidian Order was doing with this woman." The sarcasm so thick it could stand up to a disruptor blast.

"They would be aunt and niece, hard to say which is which, but after the last time someone planned a coup around a clone of Vriha T'Rehu the Senate passed a law stating that no one within three generations of T'Rehu could hold any office in the Imperial Senate or above it.

"Just in case the Guard is getting any ideas."


Rude. She was only considering that a little bit!


"Now Savul, even if that was the Order's intent, the Cardassian Guard and the Detapa Council would never condone such an intervention. Especially in the government of an old ally like the Romulan Empire."

Not that such an alliance has been at all helpful since the Klingons invaded...


"No, of course not. However, allies and friends that we are, I do hope that you won't be dragging me into this any further.

"This sounds like the sort of trouble that could bring me to the attention of the Tal Shiar, who do seem to be rather excited to remind us all that they did not all leave for the Omarion Nebula."


Yeah, fair. There should be a decent amount of information in Union databases on this close relative, and it would be inconvenient if Savul were to disappear, whether permanently or just to a re-education camp.


"I still don't see why that would be necessary, but it's enough of an answer that I can certainly look elsewhere for who to contact regarding her next of kin.

"Jolan tru Savul."


"Of course. Jolan tru Ocett."


Alright, who is this Vriha T'Rehu then? Ocett is vaguely aware of the Queen of Two Worlds as an ancient warlord who united Romulus and Remus, and was promptly overthrown by a different unifying government.




But presumably there would be some more recent records about what the one(s?) from the attempted coup(s?) were like, which could be somewhat informative of what her aunt might be capable of.


Or it could just be a fun research vole-hole for an archaeologist who's been stuck doing a lot of practical military logistics and not a lot of fun historical research over the past few days.


The following data comes from discreet access to the Romulan Central Information Net, do NOT make follow up inquiries to any external entities based on information found in these files.

Presented Selection is a biography from Early Leadership: Pre-Imperial Biographies by Nevesa D'era [NAME SUSPECTED TO BE FALSE BY UNION MILITARY INTELLIGENCE]

The Ruling Queen of the Two Worlds, Vriha T'Rehu, the Last of the Queens of Kh'reitekh

T'Rehu is believed to have been born on the Journey Ships, sometime in the last decade of our ancestors' great voyage. By the time of the Settlement scholars believe that she was the last surviving child of her parents, Tulek and J'Rey of the Sunheart. Tulek made planetfall on Romulus as Councillor of the Elehu District of Nn'Verih, and over the course of the first 20 years ascended to the office of Grand Councillor of the continent; a position he retained until his death in 35 AS,* upon which the councilliary fell to T'Rehu.

Contemporary sources from T'Rehu's early life have lead some scholars to identify her as a nuhirren, and there are some surviving writings from contemporaries that indicate the belief may have been circulating around neighboring regions during her early career. These suspicions would naturally have lead to those who believed them avoiding face-to-face contact with her, as the belief of the time was that there was no means of refusing the plea in the eyes of a nuhirren.

This and other concerns regarding her suitability for the office lead other members of the council to refuse many requests made by the Elehu district over the next few years, exacerbating famine and an outbreak of lunglock fever, which claimed many lives. This lead T'Rehu to a strong dislike for the Council system, leading to a continually worsening relationship with her fellow councillors. Despite their interference, T'Rehu brought Elehu to prosperity, offering significant incentives for educated immigrants and those looking to start families.

These policies allowed her to undertake the first ever war of conquest on Romulan soil when, after a near doubling of the district's population, she was able to field more soldiers than expected. From 60 to 72 AS T'Rehu's armies conquered neighboring territories, and then more distant territories with the logistical assistance of the Ship Clans. In these conquests her soldiers and Adepts killed or mindchanged all those who would not join her. This campaign ended after she was called to attend a meeting of the Dual Council where she famously announced, "Say what you like, and do what you like. I am your mistress now. Idiots and old men shall not run my land anymore, nor any other I can get my hands on." After which she was given the Master Councillorship of the Grand Council, although she still held no seat on the High Council. This meeting is famously the first time that S'task left the council chambers against her command.

The second time S'task attempted this was in 78 AS, when T'Rehu presented the Dual Council with evidence that the famine that had swept across Novok was caused by the indifference of the Grand Council. When S'task attempted to leave, T'Rehu famously had her guards kill him in the Council Chambers, an act which brought an end to the High Council. Within 6 days she had begun to purge the Grand Council of remaining dissent and had scheduled her coronation as Ruling Queen of Two Worlds, taking the name Vriha for the first time.

As Queen, Vriha T'Rehu ordered a great study of many of the technologies of the Journey Ships and greatly improved planetside transportation and communications technologies across both worlds, but among those closer to her she was an unpredictable tyrant. She handed down death sentences for the most minor of infractions and would pardon anyone as her whims moved her. A procedure that left her with only the mercenary Ship Clans as consistent allies.

During her rule the population of Remus was finally beginning to grow despite the lack of medical and cloning technology, and a discontent that mirrored her own early displeasure with the Councils was on the rise among the population. Rovalat himself is said to have lead the negotiations with the Ship Clans for the transport of Reman forces to Vriha's new capitol, Ra'tleihfi in exchange for several large optical rubies to replace degrading components of the ships lasers. When the Ship Clans delivered the Remans to the Plains of Aihai, they met with what seemed to be a great united force lead by Queen Vriha herself, but her armies quickly dissolved into a dozen little factions, most of which were opposed to her. While records vary wildly on who precisely killed her, all are agreed that the first and last Queen of Two Worlds fell that day in 96 AS.


*After Settlement, roughly equivalent to the Terran year 188 BCE, Settlement having occurred in 223 BCE.


The following data comes from discreet access to the Romulan Central Information Net, do NOT make follow up inquiries to any external entities based on information found in these files.

Presented selection is a partial transcript of the episode "431: Vriha T'Rehu III" of the political history podcast "Names of Ki Baratan"

Shortly before our people restored the Imperial Throne with the crowning of Empress Ael, there was a plot to restore it with another empress; a plot that will sound quite familiar to those of our listeners who are up to date with the latest announcements from Qo'noS.

An ancient ruler brought back from the dead by the wonders of cloning, and the people responsible aim to achieve political goals by arranging for their clone to become the highest authority in their empire. This is the story of the return of Kahless, the newly installed Emperor of the Klingon Empire, as well as that of the second known clone of Vriha T'Rehu.

I'm sure our listeners remember the story of Queen T'Rehu, but if not pause here and go listen to episode "219: The Queen of Two Worlds," don't worry, we'll wait.

[Twenty seconds of silence]

Welcome back! Our profile for today picks up during the Tricameron period of our fine Empire, when a small team of rebels in northern Nn'Verih found a computer system dating back to the Settlement Period, which had originally been used by one of the Settlers' original cloning institutes.

The computer was still functional, and filled with data regarding the names and genetic profiles of our most honored ancestors. But did the rebels even think to contact the Ministry of History?!? Of course not. They were planning to betray both the Star Empire and all its citizens already, and armed with what they were able to salvage from one of the last vestiges of the Journey they developed a new plan.

The recent introduction of industrial replicators allowed the rebels to synthesize a small sample of the genetic material of one name they found in the database that had survived the passing of years, the onetime District Councilor, T'Rehu.

Once they had the means, the rebels concluded that it would be foolish of them not to attempt to gain the skills of T'Rehu for their cause. The original T'Rehu was a fierce leader, dedicated deeply to her people, and a brilliant tactician.

Of course the plan would take at least a few years, during which the young T'Rehu would need to be raised carefully, without allowing anyone outside their group to learn who she was.

And now a brief message from our friends in the Ministry of History: [Section Redacted by Union Military Intelligence for excess of Foreign Propaganda, requests for redacted content can be directed to Glinn Idel]

[Thirteen minutes and nineteen seconds of silence]

-Senate was deeply grateful for the young clone's aid in collecting the last of the rebels who had raised her, but when asked what reward she would like for her great service to the Empire, she replied, "All that I wish is a name of my own and a chance to serve the Empire as a private citizen. While I may share much with the ancient queen, I would prefer to share less."

A wish quickly granted by the Senate, we are told that the woman who was once known by that name went on to attend medical school and has since become quite renowned as a medical researcher under her new name.

A surprising choice certainly for one whose genes are so tied with blood as T'Rehu. Will we all wake one day to hear that Kahless has retired to take up painting? Only time may tell.

Make sure you're subscribed for next week when we discuss Praetor Devoras Narviat and his recent assassination.


Alright, Glinn Idel clearly needs to be demoted.


Actionable steps first. She forwards the transcript to Legate Toren in Military Intelligence, with a suggestion that someone review the Glinn's other work for similarly flagrant errors. That should be more than enough to ensure he receives some form of disciplinary action.


Research results though: she sort of has some. Nuhirren are not a concept Malyn's encountered before by name, but the short description here sounds like some of the worst case scenarios for science fiction type telepathy. Luckily, handling that obviously doesn't go on her schedule, as someone who's been in close contact with R'vneh, her job here is to assign someone to consult with someone about what precautions should be taken moving forward. She also probably has the name of one of R'vneh's siblings and the beginnings of a lead on a clone of her niece, which is a lot more family than Malyn was really expecting to find here.

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