That's wonderfully straightforward. There are a few instances where a more delicate touch would have done more good, but as a whole everything Iobel did was helpful. He tells her so, and then thanks her.
And then it's back to reading and spellchart creation, though he's got a faint smile on his face, now.
Eventually Iobel says, "It's snug as I can make it, now. I'm going to see if I can get it down while it's coherent in my head."
She pores diligently over the spellchart, muttering impromptu mnemonics under her breath.
He husband does the same, minus the impromptu mnemonics - he stares at it and frowns as he organizes it in his head to help.
And then when she tries her eyes go white and she punches the air and beams.
Then he goes back to trying to cram it all into his head. He tests it a few times to see if it charges, and then a little while after - his eyes go pale blue and he laughs.
Iobel claps her hands. "If I can do this maybe my teleport will behave at full size after all!"
"Maybe!" laughs Edarial. "If you can manage it, I'd love to see that chart, too, teleportation would be so useful."
"When I've filled in the bit about landing upright I'll let you look it over like I've just done this one."
"And now," he says, grinning, "I'm going to get more spellcharts so I can make multiple copies. No more repeats of the spellchart of this being lost."
"I agree completely. And then we should head to - Panhar and then Forgrat, maybe, and put one in each?"
He nods. "Yeah, those sound good - as soon as possible, I think, to prevent accidents."
Musingly, he asks, "Do you think we could manage it today, or should we wait until tomorrow?"
"Then we might as well leave as soon as we've got one clean copy made and have put a staffperson on copying it from there. I bet we can hit both cities in one day."
He departs. A very short amount of time later, he returns with blank spellcharts. He starts copying immediately. Iobel's welcome to help.