Kumi nods. "Yeah, we're starting. Ground rules for pet therapy - this is for light petting, no heavy petting. Now, naturally some of you may become aroused anyway, that's totally natural when you're being touched and caressed by someone you find attractive, and that's okay. But if I see anyone deliberately going for erogenous areas they'll be asked to leave the group. Aside from the usual groin and chest areas, it should be noted for this group that the bases of tails and wings are commonly erogenous and should be avoided during this event. You may use your hands or a provided brush, we have a wide selection. Always ask someone if it's okay to touch them before proceeding; this is the Rosethorn Hotel, consent is paramount. The house safeword is safeword."
She raises a broad flat purple brush. "There are two main ways this event can be organized; either we can pair off and pairs can brush each other, or we can all take turns being in the center being brushed by everybody. The session runs for an hour normally, so you'll get either thirty minutes of being petted by a partner or ten minutes of being petted by everybody at once in the time slot. We can also do it more informally and let people just do what they prefer, so long as people don't mind getting uneven shares of the petting. If we've run for an hour and everyone wants to continue, I can extend the event for another hour, but that requires a unanimous vote. I think that's everything. Everyone got that?"