"The history of Anadyne is mostly a history of sects and reflections; ever since prehistory we've warred and argued and debated who is worth preserving in reflection. Naturally everyone wants their own loved ones to live forever, and so devotional art is very common; there is a library, in the modern age, recording the shirasanmi* of everyone who wishes to leave one, both on dedicated hardware and on physical copy. Those who inspire others create small sects around themselves even in life, but most of them fade away quickly after their passing, leaving behind only the shirasanmi they entrusted to the vaults. Politically, the continent goes through a five-hundred-year cycle of falling apart and reuniting; we're seventy years into the most recent reunification, which is ruled by a council of the leaders of the foremost sects, each representing their own province of the greater nation. I was elected from among their number to be the Sanctified of this generation - the post is held for a thirty year term, I am the third so far. I hold the duty of speaking for the unremembered in ritual contexts, and therefore have the final say on any debated political matter, though I can be overruled by a three-fourths majority of the council. The recent period of reunification has also been a period of rapid technological progress, as the development of mass manufacturing and electricity has led to computing technologies and many labor-saving inventions. Many of the key figures of those revolutions stand in reflection as high officials of the modern sects; it is however required that the Sanctified personally not be a reflection, as it undermines the duties of the position. The history of Eravia I will leave to Gilded Rose to explain, as she is more familiar with it than I am."
*Soul-record, in practice a combination of a will, a eulogy, and a personal mythology with specifically defined rites of remembrance, generally written by the person in life or their survivors. It is a daily ritual for the Sanctified to select a shirasanmi from the vault and publicly perform one of its rites, thereby representing symbolically the wishes of all the unremembered.