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delegations from topias: anomaland, bobbiverse, malachitin, elfland, ozytopia, alicornutopia, dath ilan

In a cave known on some planets as "Altamira", where there are prehistoric drawings on the walls across many worlds, there is an event.

It'd be sort of hard to miss. There's a lightshow, some harmless radiation spikes, a resonant high-pitched noise that lasts for several hours and is really annoying for miles around, basically it was thoroughly obvious. The interesting thing was that the cave then proved to exist in several universes as a single cave where previously it was one cave to a customer.

We will elide here the frantic linguistic nerdery, the protocols necessary to ensure that no one brought a flu home, the physics experiments for determining how things split back into their own universes (you can go to someone else's, if you hold their hand and let them precede you out of the cave; unattended objects get a little squirrely but not so much that one can't run cables), the security arrangements each world undertook at the aperture, and the installation of conference furniture and a water cooler and everybody's respective Internet access. Instead we will open on the Summit: contingents of diplomats and whatever auxiliary personnel each world found meet, assembling in the cave. (Please don't touch the paintings, some cultures care a lot about those.)

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The Bobbiversians are of the opinion that a normal baseline amount of sexual desire for regular-women and tall-purple-flower-women is about once a week, and that men usually want to have sex three times a day or so, and they are separately Suspicious that the worlds claiming to have lots of men who have access to steroids and are freely deciding not to use them are lying or mistaken about at least one of those things.


Anomalans want sex between once every seven days and once every twenty days (25th and 75th percentiles at age 30). (And they wonder how anyone else has time to get anything done, but don't say this bit out loud.)


There is not that much sex drive difference between any two malachitinous genders and Malachitin has quite a lot of genders; the amount that people on average want sex depends heavily on what you choose to define as sex. 


Cason can get a graph for Green but it's more complicated - there are separate lines for what sounds, in a vacuum, like a reasonable amount for a relationship (men mostly fall within once every 1-4 days, women within once every 1-10 days, both with some outliers in the "seldom to never" zone), fraction of randomly sampled occasions on which people said they were willing to drop what they were doing to have guaranteed eightieth-percentile-or-better sex with their partner (roughly half versus roughly one-third), and fraction of randomly sampled occasions specifically taken at a no-chore vacation resort with really quality child-dropoff options where the kids get to take trapeze lessons or whatever so the cost of dropping things was very low (approaching ninety and eighty percent respectively). There are adjustments to the graph available for subsets of the studied population whose preferred sex habits involve more annoying rigmarole or time investment for whatever reason and those are lower sex frequency preference in both sexes.


If Green wants infinitely complicated graphs, dath ilan sure has infinitely complicated graphs.


Elves also have graphs! Their graphs are show the median for women at 1 encounter per 2.5 days and the men at 1 encounter per 2 days under adequate-slack circumstances.  There are additional graphs relating to the declines caused by inadequate slack and the ratios of compensation for jobs which tend to result in insufficient slack to make sure that people doing them can compensate by buying as much slack as possible through outsourcing.

There are additional graphs from studies done on implementing different types of childcare-slack arrangements, such as group living, free childcare, and night nurses.  Without those, both genders fall down to 1-2 times weekly.


Oh, no, they don't especially want super complicated graphs from everybody, they just think their complicated graph's illustrative of how all those conditions are importantly different and they were trying to suggest getting near the third condition where the gap is smallest but it sounds like dath ilan tried that.


Some interesting interworld intermarriage patterns should develop as a result of all these mating markets equalizing, if everybody actually is the way they're representing themselves.


Ozytopians have men, women, male crossdressers, and female crossdressers. Sometimes crossdressers want to take hormones and get surgery in which case they're transsexual. Malachitin is the planet of the crossdressers.

Ozytopians are mildly confused by everyone's strong gender preferences but Greens have strong food tastes too so. Has dath ilan considered sex with teenage boys, even men who only like women normally like teenage boys.

Ozytopians think lots of people want casual sex but it's often a bad idea because many people will fall in love afterward. Also why is everyone assuming you have sex because you like sex, don't people in other worlds have sex for attention or to feel pretty or as distraction from overwhelming emotional pain or to make someone sad or because it's awkward to say no or because they don't want to make the other person feel bad or because it will traumatize you. Maybe not that last one.

Ozytopians find sex drive is basically unrelated to how much sex you have unless you're very virtuous.


Greens sometimes do the attention or distraction ones but they are going to wildly guess that they do it less than Ozytopians.


Oh obviously lots of Bobbiversians have sex for attention or to feel pretty or as distraction from overwhelming emotional pain or to make people sad or because it's awkward to say no or because they don't want to make the other person feel bad or because it will traumatize them, they thought that just went without saying.


Malachitin is absolutely a planet of crossdressers in this schema and they're very pleased about it.

People pretty much do not have sex for those reasons! You... might cowrite erotic fiction with someone to show off your writing skills? And people often do sex-adjacent activities with their friends as an intimacy/bonding thing rather than out of having a sex drive per se but if you say that in a room of psychologists you will immediately have an intense debate about the definition of a sex drive on your hands. 


Who has an entire sex* just to avoid saying "actually I am going to go make homemade peanut butter instead".

*This is a count noun in this language, though "entire" sounds a little silly just as it does in English.


Anomalans have sex because they're horny or because it's a fun way to express affection for a mate and occasionally to feel pretty and maybe if they had all those other reasons they'd do it more often but they're pretty happy with their current setup.


Alas, dath ilani men seem to basically not do the teenage-boy thing; nor, for that matter, are teenage boys attracted to older men.  Dath ilan is actually sort of confused about why that would be the case in Ozytopia; people in their twenties are generally agreed to be at the peak of attractiveness.

Look, none of this is actually dath ilan's most important sex problem?  Dath ilan has five million obligate sadists who've figured out that's what they are, despite a lot of effort to have that not happen, 90% male.  Maybe something like twenty million more people who would be obligate sadists as soon as they tried it once.  People whose arousal levels don't dip on being hurt have ever been found, but they're vanishingly rare; the inferred evolutionary conditions that originally fostered them have been gone for a while and some other selection pressure must have been weighing against them.  A slightly pretty women who doesn't mind pain during sex can have one billionaire or a small harem of millionaires, as she prefers, within the narrow and guarded circle of people who know about the topic.

If anybody's interested in the sort of information dath ilan tries to censor, well, there it is.  Dath ilan wouldn't be mentioning it now except that other societies are already talking about the infohazardous concept, and also now there's a prospect of doing something about it.


Well, if you say no to sex the other person might be mad at you or disappointed.

Men who only like women like teenage boys because they're often pretty like girls, and the teenage boys know this and sometimes crossdress even if they aren't crossdressers, if they're into older men.


...nnnooooo, no they aren't pretty like girls.


All else equal that's definitely a reason for some masochistic women in search of husbands to consider moving to dath ilan! Probably lots of the lonely sadistic men are total catches if one considers the sadism a bonus.


Green doesn't have a ton of masochists but they have enough that lining up a billionaire would be a way to shift some of them, though they'll need more detail on what "slightly pretty" means and what else it is like to live on dath ilan.


... a Bobbiverse representative remarks, not quite to Dath Ilan but not quite to anyone else, that the statement made earlier by one of their delegates isn’t necessarily binding on both of their respective delegations for the rest of forever, even if that one representative has made it clear that she’d rather not be interacted with, and that the Bobbiverse sure is an entire planet full of masochists.


Maybe dath ilan has less pretty teenage boys? Observe these pop stars. No reasonable person who's only into women would object to these pop stars, Ozytopians feel.


Presumably nobody with an interest in history will want to go somewhere they can't discuss it, and there could easily be sixteen other things like that, but there are quite a lot of women on Firstplanet.


Dath ilan notes that this leaves other places with a deficit of women and dath ilan with a surplus of women, if the sexes were otherwise previously in balance; these are not small numbers relative to total population.  Dath ilan hopes that some dath ilani women find it pleasant to live in Firstplanet or Green, and that some Firstplanet and Green women are cheerful about moving to Ozytopia or taking Ozytopian husbands or... something.

Maybe it's time to dust off the sex-selection technologies.  Dath ilan has been trying to avoid that, but...

Dath ilan's history screen has been broken, now; it's an all-or-nothing sort of deal.

...dath ilan regrets to inform Ozytopians that, while these men might perhaps be attractive to women, or to the rare men who can be attracted to men, they are, very distinctly, men.


A lot of people on Green are bisexual; as long as they can hire surrogates from somewhere the surplus men will be fine. (They have somatic cell gametogenesis.)


Have they considered that more people might be masochists if they were aware of the concept of masochism, or is that a malachitian thing, they're aware that the whole concept of only finding things hot after you're prompted to think of them in that context might be a malachitian thing. 

Also if someone would be upset or disappointed with you for turning down sex with them they will get dumped, immediately, not by literally anyone they might try to have a relationship with but by most people, and so people learn to not do that or signal that they would do that really quickly if they ever want to have partners or for that matter friends. 

Also also they don't have very many women any more than they have very many men, and almost everyone is going to object to the extent to which dath ilan seems to think that it's bizarre to not just stick with the thing evolution handed you even when it sucks, but they do have a lot of masochists and probably anyone will go for that?? How do dath ilanis feel about people with fancy customized splintergenders*. 


*literally: genders which have been subject to artistic experimentation, connotation moderately flippant 

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