(Vern is looking pretty amused, too.)
"But apart from things that could give me too many clues I want to know all about my little girl's young man! Go on, tell me everything."
"Zeviana. And - yes, we're twins, but not the stereotypical - look the same just with different genders. Her hair color's different, for example."
"You are the only person in this house with a sibling!" remarks Ranata. "Well, technically I had a half-brother who died of old age before I was born, but I don't usually count him."
"Before you ask, Mom, I have not met the sister in question yet, but I am told she might hug me."
Something in the oven beeps; Ranata goes to attend to it. Castarilan remains in the living room, zipping around without landing hither and thither.
"What is it you do with your time?" Charlie wants to know. "When you're not meeting your girlfriend's parents."
"Hobby-wise, or profession wise? Hobby wise, I'm an utter nerd, studying and reading things - magic in particular, Isabella helps me with that. I might take up learning some more languages now that I think about it, as well, they're fun. Profession wise, I actually just quit my last job, so I'm now between them."
"Dealing with politics and trying to placate stupid people. I just got sick of it and a thing happened that tipped me over the edge."
"In other news, I formally ended my apprenticeship the other day and I found a place in the middle of nowhere to hang out and do independent research."