"We needed to. It hurt, but it's okay now."
"Drat, you caught me - oh, how spicy do you like things? I know what Charlie and Isabella eat already."
"The situation was complicated but it's simpler now," says Vern. "We don't need to be separated anymore, but we already are."
Path says, "You realize that makes it sound like you spent the last while in the CIA or something." To Kesathi he adds, "I think actual CIA agents probably pretend better not to be separated."
Vern blinks, surprised. "That wasn't my intention, sorry! I just don't know how to explain it quickly. We weren't CIA or special forces or anything. But we needed to."
"Nah, I don't like things that spicy either, I'm just more tolerant of it than Dad," Isabella says. "And Mom will eat anything."
Charlie scratches his daemon's ears.
"It's definitely not something I'd recommend to everyone, certainly," replies Vern.
"We were worried sick for Isabella when she went. She was only fourteen," Kesathi sighs.
"We were fine," says Path, drawing paths in Kesathi's fur with his claws gently.
Vernaia nods. "It's still sad, though. Fine though you are, we would have worried for you, too."
The doorbell rings; when Isabella gets the door, it is a tiny hummingbird, who zips around the room inspecting everything, lands in his witch's hair, and then zooms over to sit on Kesathi's forepaw. "Hello," he says to Vernaia. "I'm Castarilan."
"This is Vernaia," Path tells Castarilan.
"Pleasure to meet you, Castarilan. I am only a coincidence, Charlie was the one who married a witch. You should expect birds everywhere," she teases.
"It's called casu marzu! Or formaggio marcio!" says Ranata. "It was strong, I don't know if I'd want to eat it every Tuesday, but it was worth trying."
"I'll take your word for it and never try it myself. Other things, certainly, but I draw the line at maggots."
"Some people remove them before they eat the cheese. Isabella wouldn't even try that version."
Adarin looks between Ranata and Isabella. "As her boyfriend, I feel it is my sworn and sacred duty to back her up in situations that seem appropriate. Isabella, I support your decision to not eat maggot cheese," Adarin says gravely.