"Welp," he says, "this... is clearly gonna work, I think. Not necessarily the Mars thing. No comment on the Mars thing part."
"We'd be happy to have you," says Kesathi.
Isabella giggles and hugs Adarin. "So they'd need water, and crops, and if we went with bubbles that could complicate waste disposal, maybe they'd need fancy reclamation..."
Then, to plans for colonizing Mars. "Fancy reclamation seems like the best bet, especially when starting out and they don't have a lot of supplies to work with. They will probably also need a way to get the materials for making new bubbles on their own, in case something comes up and they need a place to make a type of medicine for an outbreak, or something."
Vern trills a little, happily. "Thank you."
She looks a lot like Isabella - and thanks to the miracles of witch agelessness, not much older - and fortunately enough she's wearing silks, tied in the same style Isabella uses.
"Isabella, hi! It's so good to see you! Is this your young man?"
"Where's Castarilan?" asks Path.
"Reading the bulletin board in the grocery store in case there's anything fun to do. He'll be along in a bit," says Ranata brightly, sidling carefully past the assembled daemons to put her purchase in the kitchen.
Vern makes the mental note of possible parental small talk options with a hummingbird. She's getting the hang of this parallel social thing, just a bit.
"Ha! Okay, let me have a while to mull it over and hear more samples. Tell me about yourself, Adarin."
Adarin snickers. "I'm not from Seattle, is the first thing that comes to mind," he says, clearly amused. "But more seriously, I like learning things, then using those things to do useful things - oh, and I think magic is the best thing ever. Before Isabella and I started dating I got her to show me all of the various goddess' effects on a light spell, that was fun."
"Oh, I can definitely see why she'd like you, she's got this - this vaguely nerdy focus on magic... sorry, Isabella..."
"And I think a vaguely nerdy focus on magic is adorable," replies Adarin. "So it works out."
"What's your full name?" Ranata inquires from the kitchen. Kesathi, with Path still sitting on her, gets up and meanders to the couch, with Charlie following her.
Vern decides that she will follow couch-ward, though she doesn't actually sit on it. She plops down beside it, looking content.
"Well, I still can't place your accent and your name's no help either. It's pretty, though. I'll figure you out eventually."
Vern blinks, then looks back to Adarin and realizes the distance. "Oh. Separated? Yes."
"Sporting of you. Mmmm... do I have to guess country or language or can I narrow it down from continent?"