"Oooh, various forms, whatever could you be implying?" There's her missing strip of silk. She sets about tying everything back where it goes in her usual pattern.
He grins. "Oh, like you don't know."
"I suppose I'll have to show you, eventually. Later. When we're not about to visit your parents."
"Yeah." She's pretty quick and practiced about getting her silks on. She starts fussing with a tangle in her hair, gives up, and combs it all out with a brief spell (it's not in English, but translates roughly to "flying ruins smoothness; fix my hair"). Then she gets her phone and dials her mother again.
Adarin is amused by useful magic! He thinks it's adorable. He's still getting shoes on while she calls her mother, but is otherwise presentable.
"Hi, Mom!" Isabella says into the phone. "Yeah me again - we'll be there really soon. I forgot to tell you that my boyfriend is, obviously, not a witch, so if you could be in silks the whole time I'm sure he'd prefer it. Yes I did. Yep. Adarin. Mm-hm. She's a kagu. You'll get to meet him really soon, Mom."
Shoes are finished being put on, then he retrieves a book and gets to working out the specifics of the teleportation spell. It's not going to be particularly difficult, but he's not good enough at this kind of thing to do it on the fly.
"Not as far as he knows either. Mm-hm. We're not in the air right now, Mom. No, Mom. I can fly, Mom."
More stifled snickering. Teleportation spell is worked out, and he goes over it a few times in his head to make sure he'll get it right.
"Mm-hm. We'll be there in just a few minutes. Dad's home today, right? Great. Of course we will help him get rid of fish from last Sunday. Love you too. See you soon."
"Good, then I judged correctly." He looks through his spell again, then says absently, "I'm not sure what our explanation should be of where I'm from and why I sound vaguely foreign. Or why my hair is a strange color, though that's less problematic."
"Ranata will assume you bleach it," Isabella says. "She will, however, probably try and fail to place the accent and ask where you're from... I mean, we could just tell them. It'll be slightly injurious to a project of secrecy but not a fatal blow."
"That is up to you. I'll admit, I don't like the idea of asking you to lie to your parents for me, so I will not be heartbroken if we're honest with them both."
"I think I'll be vague and see if she tries to pin me down. Maybe I'll get her to guess and that'll keep her occupied." She collects her bag of things, drops her phone into it with the alethimeter, her notebook, the thingamajigs, and herb kit, and says, "We ready to go?"
"I am," he replies. He's bringing his book of magical cheat sheets, but not much else. "Vern and Path will have to stop cuddling for us to pick them up. Unfortunately."
"Awww," complains Path. He nuzzles Vern, and then goes to Isabella, who also collects her cloud-pine.
"Ready?" asks Adarin, when it seems that everything necessary has been collected.
Spell is cast, and there they are, on the beach.
And then she flies them all from the beach to the town of Forks, and lands in front of her dad's house.