Zeviana gets off the cloudpine. She heads towards Enathira. There is nothing friendly about her stance. Nothing at all. She is in business mode, and her brother's the merciful one.
Enathira, for her part, was just passing by on some errand, and she speeds up when she spots Zeviana, for all the good that will do.
She laughs, soft, quiet. Speeding up will not help. A matched pace is easy enough to do.
Except she's better at it. Catching up to her is simple, and then she just tackles her to the ground, rather than trying something fancy or delicate. Zeviana is neither fancy, nor delicate.
"Hi," she says.
Adarin is off of the cloudpine reasonably quickly, and winces at the tackle. He picks his way closer, a slightly pained expression on his face. He does not want to go closer to Enathira.
"Oh fucking put a cork in it," growls Zeviana. "I'm not going to kill you, though you certainly deserve it you pathetic, worthless cunt. Dearest brother would be mad at me."
Isabella supervises, still keeping a steadying hand on Adarin's arm.
She leans in close. "You see, we know each other really, really well. Sometimes, when we were little, we played a game together, rating things on a scale of one to ten... He'd always, always stay in between those two numbers. Because he doesn't like exaggerating. Because he hates biased statements, because he doesn't like to make scales that would then be broken. He is not that kind of fucking person."
"So you fucking understand me when I say he rated what you did a twelve. Fucking twelve. That is not torture levels. Trust me, I know my fucking torture, and he went past it. That is fucking worse than death levels. Do you get that, you stupid bitch?"
Ranata is hanging back too far to hear this conversation but she is kind of alarmed anyway.
"What I am good at are threats, because I back them up like nobody's fucking business. Touch my brother again, go near him again, hell - even fucking look at him, and I will do things so terrible to you that people don't even have names for them. I will take you far, far away, and no one will hear you as you scream and beg for fucking mercy that I won't ever give."
"Squeak once if you understand. Twice if you need me to go over anything."
She gets off of Enathira, and calmly walks towards Isabella and Adarin.
"See, look. Didn't even punch her," she says darkly.
Zeviana walks back to Ranata, and explains, "That was the person who did the funky soul animal touching. Thank you for putting me down."