- but Adarin is not letting her say it. He calmly clamps a hand over her mouth and says pleasantly, "Not to my girlfriend. You like her, remember?"
She's released from gagging, and they go on as normal.
"Right then. So am I going now? 'Cause I can go now to funky animal friendship land."
"You'll want to dress warmly. And Adarin might want to collect some things. And we have to find my mother, who is enjoying double moonlight and unfamiliar stars. Otherwise I think we can go."
"I'll want to collect some things, yeah. Finding your mother's easy, though - scrying. Though if she's starclad I am making my sister do it."
"I cannot promise that she isn't starclad. I think she expects this introduction to take a while."
She gives them a little casual wave, then she walks off, disappearing into the maze.
Adarin laughs, a little. "Yeah. I'm glad she didn't get yelly. That would have been awkward. But she likes you, so that's a plus."
"I am currently convinced that she means neutrally, but that's good enough for most purposes."
"Fair enough. I notice you did not actually identify or describe your assailant for her."
"How long will it take to collect what you want from your house?"
"An hour, I would say. Most of it's just fluff I don't care about. I'll grab some more changes of clothes, some personal effects, and my notes on magic."
"Anybody liable to drop in while you're doing it? Are you going to formally announce your departure?"
"Maybe to the first, and I'll just tell them to go away, to the second - no. Zeviana's probably going to do it for me. I'll tell her not to kill anyone."
"I'd rather she didn't maim anyone, either. Even said assailant has an - extremely flimsy, admittedly - excuse of arguable ignorance."
"I have a list of things my sister is not allowed to do when she's doing something for me," says Adarin, amused. "She does usually follow it pretty well, she was kind of playing it up with you here so you wouldn't get the wrong impression of her. Though she might end up punching my assailant if we see her. I can't really stop her from that one."
"I would have shot her, but it would have been a kind of - heat of the immediate situation, thing, not a revenge thing."