Adarin's got a pretty good idea of where this is going to go, but this round he is supportive of things from the get-go. First order of business; kisses. Scientific kisses.
(Indeed, they are up to very important daemon business. The business of cuddling.)
He has probably noticed by now that the back of Isabella's neck is the very best place to put kisses if he wants a puddle of whimpery Isabella squirming in his lap. These results persist with a strong effect significance when the sample size is increased to two.
He's noticed. This bears more testing. He has to be sure of the results, what if his sample size was extremely unlucky and contained only outliers? Adarin has to be sure. He takes this sort of thing very seriously.
Like, for example, Isabella's.
Or less verbally.
Eventually (slightly less eventually than the previous evening; there's less pent-up frustration to go around now) Isabella says: "We could put on clothes and go see my parents, now. Well, first see if you can scry the clan lands or if we have to use the beach."
So he does!
"Hmm," he pronounces. "Either I can't scry them, or I wasn't specific enough. I'm leaning towards can't scry them, though."
Think think think okay that'll work - another spell cast, and...
"... Nope, blocked."
"That's weird," he pronounces, after a pause. "And kind of giving me a headache. I can... Sort of see it. Kind of. I can tell that there are people inside, but I couldn't tell you where they are specifically inside, or what they even look like."
End scry. "I think if necessary I could still teleport there, but it's harder. Your clan territory just didn't show up at all."
"Huh. Five points out of a possible ten from the New Kystle judge for Ranata Ekamma. So I guess we're going to the beach. Can you find it on that little information or should I be more detailed?"
"Okay... the border of clan land goes over this beach. The part I want to go to is south of the border, it's got some big driftwood around most of the time, it may technically be part of the Quileute reservation but I'm not sure. It's usually empty. Except for seagulls."
Scry, scry, scry.
"Found it. Teleporting would be fine, I don't see anyone there. We probably need clothes though, don't we."
"For the beach, not necessarily, we could always nip over the border into clothing-optional land. For the flight to Charlie's house, yes."
Snuggle. "How inconvenient. Here I thought you were this amazing magician with talents beyond any mere Earth witch, and you can't even get dressed while snuggling me."
There's more snickering. "Sorry to disappoint. Unfortunately I can't do everything with magic. Yet."
"I'm truly crushed, why can't you meet my expectations for super offworld magic visitors, Adarin?" But she sits up to let him get at his clothes, and starts hunting for all the pieces of her silks.
He goes to retrieve clothes, giggling a little. "Forgive me, my dear Isabella, I hope you can hope to get by with just portals, extra planar transportation, teleportation, thingamajigs, scrying, illusions, shielding, stone-shaping, and general gadgetry. Somehow."
"I will just have to struggle on, won't I." She has now located all the pieces of her silks except one. She starts looking in the couch cushions.
"Yes, indeed you will. I will offer emotional support if you require it, in various forms."